The Saint Mary Primitive Baptist Church No. 2 was organized the second Sunday in January 1926. Its first location was at 542 West Brevard Street, in a very small frame building. The Presbytery met with the body of members on the second Sunday in August 1926.Elder C. T. Hilliard served as pastor for a period of three years, and Reverend Mathew Hendon was a licensed minister. Church officers were Deacons Snead Wilson, Mac Connelly, and Henry Coil. Brother B.W. Williams was ordained a minister and was later called in the ministry. Having love in their hearts for the mother church, Saint Mary Primitive Baptist Church, the group decided to name the new church Little Saint Mary Primitive Baptist Church No. 2.
The ministers who were pastors of the church after Elder Hilliard were: Elder W.S. Sanders, one year; Elder R.J. Banks, one year; Elder L. Damon, one year; and Elder L. R. Vaughn, twenty years. During the time Elder L.R. Vaughn was ill, the Boards of Deacons and Mothers decided to seek new leadership. In 1958, Elder Richard Mathews, Sr. was called as the new pastor. Regular church services were held on first, third, and fourth Sundays in each month. The church was renamed as Saint Mary Primitive Baptist Church No. 2. During his leadership, the R. Mathews Inspirational Choir was organized. Elder Mathews served as pastor for thirty-four (34) years and retired in March 1992.
Reverend Ernest Ferrell was called as the new pastor. The installation service for Reverend Ferrell was held October 1, 1992. He began his tenure as the full-time pastor. Sunday School and regular church services were held every Sunday. God has tremendously blessed the Saint Mary Church family under his leadership. Some of the accomplishments under Reverend Ferrell’s leadership include increased spiritual growth and development, more than 900 new members, formation of a mass choir, male chorus, women’s choir, and youth and young adult choir.
Additionally, other accomplishments include stewardship workshops, increased revenues of more than 200%, building renovations expansion, acquisition of property, Sunday School expansion, establishment of a benevolent and social outreach committee, development of a church budget, establishment of a church expansion and economic development ministry, establishment of a Scholarship Fund, and a community Faith Fountain was completed. The name of the church was changed to Saint Mary Primitive Baptist Church – Georgia Street. Currently, there are twenty (20) deacons and thirty-four (34) mothers and deaconesses.
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